I just put Kaycee down for her nap and i can't stop thinking about how much i just love this girl!! Were already planning on baby #2 right now but then i think how can I love another baby as much as I love Kaycee?? She is my everything these days.. She lets me just talk and talk and talk to her whenever I am happy or angry or anything and she just smiles and laughs at me and I love it!!
She loves her daddy so much and gets so happy end excited every night when he gets home from work and Nathan just loves to play with her and it makes me so happy! I love my little family! We are so happy together.
I can't wait til the summer is over so that Kaycee can start playing with her cousins again and getting to know them. I grew up knowing and playing with my cousins all of my life and I want Kaycee to have the same thing. She is the best.. She is very very active so she needs more than just her mommy to play with. She gets to play with her Carter friend almost everyday, but he is still to young to play with her.. She always just wants to play with his long hair..(I think she is jealous of his long hair ; ) )
And she is quite the fish.. She loves to swim! As soon as we get into the pool she wants to swim right out of my arms. She doggie paddles and kicks like she is swimming and it is sooooo cute! I just wish she could so that I didn't have to hold her on her belly the entire time. She love to be dunked under the water as well.. Looks like daddy is gonna have a surfing buddy in the next few years : )